Tuesday, October 21, 2008

amazing how mcuh value people have in your life.

I recently ran into a friend from my childhood online. I 'd have to say it was nice. Unlike most normal people, I like to try and avoid people from my past, with a few rare exceptions. It's not out of having done something awful, I guess its just when I run into people I go back to that akward place in my teenage years when I was trying to define myself. Running into her was very nice, and I realized that I've missed out on a lot because I have avoided those things. To be honest, she hasn't changed so much from the person that I liked being around back in highschool. She is still sweet, good hearted, and uplifting. To be honest, a lot of days you need friends like that. I found out that I have friends that have kids now, that I didn't know did...people that have gotten married I didn't know about. So here is a small tribute to all the friends from highschool that were good friends to me. The ones that were there to listen, to hang around with, the ones that still were nice to me even when I distanced myself from them. The friends that were just good examples of how we should treat each other. So thank you! Even if I know only the one I talked to tonight will probably read this. At least she will know that she is appreciated.

1 comment:

Wendy L said...

You're amazing!

White Knuckle Grip

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What striving to keep a grip on life produces.