I am really starting to think that is becoming a vacant blog. Not by me alone, but by all other followers as well. Not that it matters too much, I more or less mean it as a way of documenting my life and thoughts any ways. So as I glanced over an old blog, I noticed that I made the comment that there was a story for another blog. So here goes.
Lets just say that I had a crush on a guy for a long time through out my school years. I'm not sure if he was ever aware of how many girls had crushes on him, but I could name at least a few if not all of my friends growing up at one point. So I had finally gotten the courage to ask said guy out. I had a good set up, you see I worked for a Doctor and every year before Christmas he would take us out to dinner and give us our Christmas bonuses. (I still like that Doctor as a side note) So I called him up (not unusual considering it was not the first time I had called him, although I'm sure that he got hung up before any one ever answered quite a few times by me personally, before I ever got the real nerve to actually talk to him, boy am I glad caller ID wasn't as popular till I got older.) So anyways. I digress way to easily.
So I called him up and he agreed, and I even overheard him ask one of his friends that was a girl, what he should wear. So I was pretty stoked! He is looking forward to this right? OY! Did I mention that my older sister also worked for the same Doctor, and was going to be doubling with us for the rest of the night? Probably not. My sister and her husband were quite nice about the whole thing and went on many a double date with me and other guys as well. So we pick him up and head out to dinner which was rather awkward. How awkward you ask. You know when some one hardly touches their food or tries to be ultra etiquette in a tough situation? Well, apparently this was both of us if my memory serves me right. I felt over conscientious, because I didn't want to eat more than he did. I kept fidgeting with my clothes to make sure I still looked ok. The conversation you ask? Um... lacking. Making the fidgeting coming up to a deafening roar. But I really really liked this guy, he had a fun personality and was way cute! I had caught him checking me out in the hall once, so I know I wasn't completely hideous to him, so why the awkwardness? I'm still not sure. So the date moves on and we decided to try and go bowling which didn't end up working out so we then drove to the Galleria (that is no longer in existence) and decided to go laser tagging. I felt more nervous about this because I had heard (said guy)him with a few of his friends saying that the galleria was a crappy place to go laser tagging. He never once said anything to the contrary, so at least I knew he wasn't going to be a jerk! So we go laser tagging, and we get everything set up, and go in, and if you don't know me personally, let me say that I'm fairly short. For example I have to get a stool to get to the top shelf any where, if not a step stool. So I was running around trying to shoot him, like he was trying to shoot me. When I turned around to run away, about the same time he had turned the opposite way, I run face first into a MUCH taller guys laser pack! Blood starts immediately pouring out of my nose, like the hose you turn on when you want to rinse something off, but leave it on because you may still need it but don't want to waste too much water. So thank goodness my sister found me soon after and got a worker there to escort me out, and to the ladies room. I ended up in the bath room for the remaining 20 minutes of laser tag trying to get my nose to stop bleeding. I'm not really sure how long it was, I just know that I was really light headed, and felt really stupid! So he comes out to find no one waiting for him except my brother in law, who doesn't really have a whole lot in common with him, to let him know what happened. So we end deciding to end the date there, and take us home. So because of lack of mental status, couldn't carry on a conversation the whole way home and rested my head against the car window, hoping that this was not listed on his worst date list. He said good night, left the car and to be honest I'm not really sure if he ever said much to me again after that date. I don't remember. Did I mention that this was my first time I had been laser tagging? Well, up till my husbands birthday last month, it had been my only time laser tagging. So I went with my husband, and guess what, no bloody nose!!!
LOL Great story! Who was this guy? LOL, I'm still cracking up!
LOVE IT. So.. I think I might have an idea who it was, but I'm not confident. So, who was it?
you know...I should say, but having people guess is all the more fun. :)
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