What are you doing right now? Watching Fringe, and updating my blog...
Are you named after anyone? Yes and no....My grandma kind of named, but Carolyn was my moms best friend for most of her life.
Whats your living arrangements? I live with my husband & 3 kids
What is the compliment you get from most people? Mostly hair....10 years ago I got butt too.
Are you a daredevil? Can't say that I ever have been or will be
Number of sweat pants you own? Um...2 but I haven't worn since my youngest was 1.
Can you sing? Yeah, but any one can
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? If you call the snoring thing thats laying in bed right now a stuffed animal, then the answer is yes.
Do you like to play with fire? Play no...but I do like watching a controlled fire....like when camping or a fireplace.
Do you consider marijuana a drug? Yes...for many reasons.
What does your dresser look like? Um....old
What color is the carpet in the room your in right now? beige
Whats the biggest thing you want? A colledge degree, that would get me a better paying job!
What all did you eat today? Bowl of cereal, salad, hamburger, onion rings..oh and one sugar cookie at work.
What age do you want to get married at? I got married a month away from turning 19...I wouldn't suggest it! :)
Whats your screen saver? it just blinks off....
Do you like to do puzzles? Yes and so do my kids
Do you think someone is talking smack about you behind your back? Probably...but owell lifes too short
How long have you lived in the house you live in now? 6 years
First movie you ever saw at the theatre?Um I don't know...
What's your normal bedtime? Any where from 10 to midnight.
Do your pets sleep with you?I don't sleep with fish!
Name an annoying actor or actress? Um...most of the stuck up ones?!
Who was your best friend in the 5th grade? hmmm....Heather, Heather, Krissy, and Meghan, oh and Elisa too...
Are you superstitious? I don't know.
What is your favorite day of the week? Used to be Friday...now its Sunday!
Are you into politics? Not particullary...some issues I'll definitely take a stand on, but most I don't know enough about.
Do you enjoy thunderstorms?YES!!!
Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Little bit of both...
What is your position at your job? I'm 3rd from the last hired....so kind of still proving stage
Do you have any famous ancestors that you are aware of? I'd have to ask my Uncle Arnold! Or my Grandpa (other side of the family)
Do you believe that the Confederate Flag is racist? I think the thought behind it of inequality yes, is racist. An object only holds what people assign to it.
What astrological sign are you? Leo
What genre of music do you prefer to listen to? Depends on my mood...Things like Parramore when I'm a little pissed.... Mostly mellow stuff though.
What’s your favorite college basketball team? Um...on grounds of incrimanation and the fact that I don't have one....I'll say none of the above?
Do you like family get-togethers? Most of the time....sometimes I need a break...too many or seeing the same people too often can cause for nerves being gotten on. :)
Have you ever dated your best friend’s sibling? No
Do you have a mean grandma? I wouldn't say mean...I would say demanding. She is still rather sweet when she wants to be though.
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Suave....I can't justify more expensive
Which Gatorade is your favorite? Nope...Poweraid caloree free Strawberry!
Have you ever eaten dog food? NO!
Tag to those who have nothing better to say....like I didn't tonight! Thanks Heather!!!
Look at that....your first meme! They are a heaven send somedays, not to mention just fun to do.
missed you all tonight! You must have gotten busy. Love you guys!
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